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The First of its Kind in China! Natural Tear Production Promotion Therapy iTEAR® is Now Ready!

The First of its Kind in China! Natural Tear Production Promotion Therapy iTEAR® is Now Ready!


Ÿ   The first treatment in China that promotes natural tear production through extra-nasal neurostimulation to relieve dry eye symptoms and signs.

Ÿ   The clinical trial has proven iTEAR®’s efficiency in promoting tear production and improving tear film stability.

Ÿ   iTEAR® will usher in a new era of dry eye symptom improvement with extra-nasal nerve stimulation.


Shanghai, China, May 21, 2024 - Arctic Vision, a China-based biotech company focused on innovative ophthalmic therapies, today announced that the next-generation iTEAR® Tear Neurostimulation Device is ready in China. The product is indicated to increase tear production and improve dry eye symptoms in adult dry eye patients. As the first product in China to improve dry eye symptoms by stimulating the extra-nasal nerve, and the first treatment promoting natural tear production in China, iTEAR® provides a new treatment option for dry eye patients.

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iTEAR® Tear Neurostimulation Device 

Dry eye is one of the most common ocular surface diseases affecting vision and quality of life. It is usually caused by insufficient tear secretion or poor quality of tear, and the incidence of dry eye in China is around 21%-30%.1 Existing dry eye treatments mainly target at replenishing some components of the tear film, but the rich natural tear components are difficult to replace. Patients need a new mechanism of dry eye treatment urgently. Research has proven that the nasal nerve pathway plays a significant role in maintaining tear film homeostasis and is involved in regulating basal and reflex secretion of tears. Tear Film and Ocular Surface Society Dry Eye Workshop II endorses that nasal nerve stimulation can help to improve natural tear production. It can provide dry eye patients with a brand-new therapeutic experience.


With the specific vibration frequency, iTEAR® is applied to activate the external nasal nerve to induce natural tear production. It’s natural, preservative-free, and drug-free. Current clinical trials conducted at the Eye & ENT Hospital of Fudan University have shown that iTEAR® is effective in promoting tear secretion, with significant increases in basal tear secretion, immediate tear secretion, and tear meniscus height after stimulation. It works immediately, with a significant increase in tear secretion level after stimulation, and notable improvement in the level of basal tear secretion, which can help to improve the tear film stability, and effectively relieve symptoms and signs of dry eye patients. So far, the trial has shown a good safety profile of iTEAR®.


The principal investigator of this clinical trial, Professor Lan Gong, said that the main factor of dry eye is tear film instability, and the core treatment strategy is to rebuild tear film homeostasis. Extra-nasal nerve stimulation is a dry eye treatment option recommended by international guidelines. iTEAR® has shown positive results in rapidly improving tear film stability for dry eye patients and effectively relieving dry eye symptoms and signs, providing a new treatment option for dry eye patients.


Dr. Eddy Wu, Founder, Chairman, and CEO of Arctic Vision, said, “We are very pleased that the new generation of iTEAR® is ready in China. We look forward to iTEAR® bringing convenient and effective symptom improvement therapy to numbers of dry eye patients in China with complex etiologies. It may also update the existing dry eye management model. Arctic Vision is committed to providing innovative therapies in China, Asia, and globally to address unmet clinical needs and benefit ophthalmic patients. In the future, based on our rich product pipeline, we will maintain close industry-academia-research collaboration with our partners to accelerate the delivery of more innovative ophthalmic therapies to more Chinese patients. We will work on improving the life quality of Chinese patients and contribute to the realization of the Healthy China 2030 goal.”


The purpose of this material is to convey cutting-edge information and research progress, not for advertising purposes. The information covered in this material is for informational purposes only. Please follow the advice or guidance of your physician or other healthcare professional.

About Dry Eye

Dry eye is a multifactorial chronic ocular surface disease. It is characterized by deficiency in tear quality or quantity and abnormality in tear dynamics that lead to tear film instability and microenvironment imbalance of the ocular surface, and could be associated with inflammatory reaction, tissue damage and neuropathic abnormality. Common ocular symptoms include dryness, foreign-body sensation, burning/tingling sensation, redness, asthenopia and fluctuating vision, accompanied with negative impact on patients’ quality of life and psychological aspects. According to the statistics in 2020, the number of patients with dry eye disease accounted to 360 million in China.   

About Arctic Vision

Arctic Vision is a China-based ophthalmic biotech focusing on breakthrough therapies, with a leading portfolio covering pre-clinical stage to commercial stage products. Our vision is to provide innovative therapies in China, Asia and globally to address unmet clinical needs and benefit ophthalmic patients at large. Arctic Vision is supported by top-tier life sciences investors and led by an elite team of ophthalmic industry veterans with substantial regional and global experiences in R&D and commercialization of ophthalmic products. 

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1.       刘祖国, 王华. 关注干眼慢性疾病管理体系的建设[J]. 中华眼科杂志, 2018, 54(2): 81-83.

2.       Ji Mh et al. Transl Vis Sci Technol. (2020), 9(12):23.

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